About me

I'm a software engineer with a passion for building things. I'm going to graduate soon from the University of Georgia with a degree in Computer Science. I'm currently staying active by working on various projects and participating in hackathons.

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I love to travel and recently I've had the opportunity to visit Japan. Exploring new places and experiencing different cultures is something I am passionate about. I have also been working on a new project called MusiiConvert, an app that allows you to convert mp3 files to sheet music.



This year I really focused on improving my skill set by learning many new skills such as Flutter as well as trying to get more involved in the community by attending club meetings and getting to know new people.



I was fortunate enough to have an internship at a rocket company, United Launch Alliance, where I was able to work on some really cool projects and even witness a launch happen live! I also started to spend more time outdoors by going on hikes and camping trips.

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